Wednesday, July 22, 2009

42 kilometres...

I've made up my mind and decided to forgo the Phuket International Triathlon and do Standard Chartered's annual marathong. The phuket triathlon is hands-down more exciting (an overseas competition, woooot!) than running...running...running...running like there's no tomorrow.

So why? Err...i really don't know. I'm a sucker for punishment? But really. I really based my decision to do the Stan Chart marathong purely on the fact that it's going to be more painful to do. Training will be so damn boring - no more swimming, bike sessions, but purely running and more.. (you guessed it!) running.

And the excitement for the virgin marathong is way over. I don't feel the adrenalin of the unknown. I know how painful (and boring) it is going to be. The last and only motivation for me this time round is to do a faster timing. Perhaps go below 5hours 15minutes?

But i must say that the countdown timer on the website (how many days, hours, seconds to Dec 6) is an interesting tool to motivate the runners. Being a freak that i am, i constantly go back to the website to check for any updates, training tips and hopefully be inspired with the XXdays XXhours XXseconds to the race!

Hmmm.. but i keep getting this crappy message on my browser when i key in the web address. I absolutely hate it when they don't maintain their website well, especially since this is a major event...


Seriously...What the !?!?

Oh typo.



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