Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grateful, Thankful

This looks alot harder than it looks. Really.

I've also enjoyed the training i've gone through. All those dreaded static station mondays, 10k sprints on wednesday, long-painful runs on fridays and lap-after-lap of 1 hour swims in between. It was tough at times, but seeing how much fitter/stronger i've become in 4 short weeks really gave me a kick. Yes, it's not easy, but i want to do it again.

Apart from training, i've had good company. The love and support from loved ones and friends, even those who did so 'silently', are not forgotten. Even the simple stuff like a chat over coffee helped to break the routine. Gorging on buffets was also fun, like a temporary-release from the strict dieting, and having good laughs over all that made it heavenly.

Then after going for reservist and taking a break - much has changed. The diet is gone, i've snacked on junk food and overate at every meal, the training has stopped completely. And sadly, i've lost some of that wonderful company.

So as December's 42km marathon and the Half-Ironman Triathlon in March looms closer, it's time i got my focus back. I'm prepared.

It's red too! Awesome!

I'm totally in love with my spanking new Asics Cumulus 11. I'll miss my Adizero; it has served me well and is, in my opinion, the best lightweight sprint shoe. But for a full marathon and half-iron, it's time for adequate cushioning, comfort, performance and to be injury-free.

Got new running kit, courtesy of Nike too.

And come tomorrow, it's back to the good old simple diet. Trainings will get longer and harder than ever before - now that i'm not just doing a full marathon, but the half-iron is not a exactly a walk in the park.

Perhaps i won't get the support i used to. Having less time to meet up with the guys, losing a dear one along the way, but i'm still counting on God's Love & Grace to get me through it all.

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